(and even more photos from the F*** Yeah Fest Tour, Birmingham, Gainesville, and Tampa)

The tour has been going pretty well. No major catastrophes, and we haven't left anyone at a gas station, yet. Although we did get thoroughly stuck for a while leaving Birmingham when the bus tried turning into a driveway and the trailer hit the incline on the ground and lifted the rear wheels of the bus off the ground (and its a rear wheel vehicle). But after attempts by everyone ranging from good old-fashioned pushing to laying logs under the wheels to asking a nearby fire station for help, we were eventually saved by a AAA tow truck and a helpful passerby with a magic touch for our dipstick.

The biggest bummer of the trip was probably last night in Gainesville. Tony Weinbender (Gainesville promoter) decided for some reason to be a giant dick. I've toured with bands and dealt with venues in NYC and this guy is winning for "biggest asshole." When you call yourself a promoter, that usually means you tell people about the shows you book, respect the bands, and you don't book bands that you've booked before and then freak out when they do what you know they're going to do. And no one cares if you "do the fest" dude, it doesn't give you license to be a prick. If you are a band or booker I would highly advise avoiding this two faced jerk.

Matt & Kim perform "Silver Tiles" live and acoustic.

On the bus on the F*** Yeah Fest tour 2008.


How could Ratatat put out a new album and I not post something from it? Impossible.

- Ratatat - Schiller

A band's place in myspace.

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