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+African Apparel

Our friends at African Apparel are offering Fecal Face readers a 10% discount. Get our favorite tee below. So good. -->discount code "FECALFACE".


that's racist. and not funny. not even cool at all. not clever, just racist, and demeaning to both musicians. completely ignorant.

Calm down. It's funny as hell... Because they're both black, it's racist? Maybe you need to ponder whether or not you're the racist, Bryan.

Speaking of funny. Here's a comment left on their facebook page: "1. Thats Jimi Hendrix, and 2. Bob Marley isn't African. Still a cool tee tho :)"

not racist. not even debatable. thats final

It's racist because they're completely different musicians from completely different genres, countries, and time periods, but whose common thread happens to be their skin color, which you and this company are exploiting. Here's the inner dialogue of some one who would see you in this shirt: "Oh, that's strange, Jimi has been re-named Bob. But why? They must have something in common in the mind of this shirt's maker, but they're music is so different.. Oh, they're both talented, black musicians who are popular in each of their own rights. Cool! But, if a person were to show their love for Bob and Jimi, what would the point be in potentially looking stupid by misnaming one musician by the name of another musician? Oh, NOOOW I get it! to debase both musicians and their fans by reducing people's appreciation of either of them to their fucking race." How 'bout a picture of David Bowie with Willie Nelson's name printed over him? People know that if they want to appreciate Bowie with a shirt, they'd have his picture and his name exclusively. Fecalface readers can buy a shirt with Jimi or Bob on it if we feel like appreciating them for their awesome music, Trippe. This shirt is the opposite of appreciation; it's total racist debasement. And anyone buying one is doing a total disservice to both musicians' legacies and also deserves to have their ass beat. End of discussion.

"How 'bout a picture of David Bowie with Willie Nelson's name printed over him?"... Also hilarious! I want that one too. Great idea!!

Settle down, Bryan. It's clever. Before your comments I couldn't imagine anyone getting upset over this. I imagined most people just thinking that the person wearing it was an idiot and made a huge mistake when making their shirt.

I think this is funny, but not racist. Both Jimmy Hendrix and Bob Marley were big musicians, recognized worldwide, from Mongolia to Patagonia, and their solid legacy can stand humor.
What if there was a T with Beethoven, and Miles Davis writen bellow? Or vice versa? Or Beethoven and Willie Nelson? Or Aretha Franklin and "Bob Marley" writen below?
Ali G had a coat with the map of Italy and "Africa" writen bellow... Should the italians or the africans be upset? Come on...

Funny and racist! I bought it straight away(thanks Trippe). I've gotten great laughs and shakes of the head. One comment even got the asians in on the action! "That must be made in China". Woah! The most interesting part is most people don't even notice. Cause in the end, it's just a dumb tee-shirt. Have a fun weekend!

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